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Environmental Management

Providing top-tier automotive components through
innovative technology and advanced manufacturing processes.

환경경영 이미지

We have a profound appreciation for the significance of environmental management, which serves as a means to achieve both social value creation and sustainable growth for our corporation.

Carbon emission reduction efforts We aim to decrease our carbon footprint by taking steps to lower carbon emissions. Fight climate change by improving energy efficiency and aggressively utilizing renewable energy.
Boosts resource efficiency The efficient use of resources is a fundamental value we uphold. Preserve natural resources by reducing resource consumption during production and encouraging recycling and reusing.
Clear and straightforward reports We are dedicated to openly sharing information about our environmental achievements and objectives. Environmental reporting helps to establish trust and transparency by displaying our actions and achievements to interested parties.
Compliance and collaboration Adhere strictly to environmental regulations and enhance cooperation with interested parties to identify shared solutions to environmental issues. Comply with both global and local environmental regulations to ensure sustainability in the future.